Parq Central Hotel

Convenience & Luxury

Physical address 806 Central Avenue SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

Physical address 806 Central Avenue SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

A scenic view of the city of Albuquerque welcomes anyone from the former mental institution’s Apothecary Lounge, a place where history and modern luxury meet. The Parq Central Hotel was preserved for its significance in offering medical services for railway employees during its time as the Santa Fe Railway hospital1. Walk through the same halls that railway workers and patients did with modern renovations bringing the history back to life.

A Brief History

Santa Fe Railway Hospital 1921-1982.

Santa Fe Railway Hospital 1921-1982.

The Parq Central Hotel is now a source of economic stability through the steady flow of tourists. However, it was originally known as the Santa Fe Railway Hospital which was created out of necessity in 1926 in order to treat injured railway workers2. Three buildings were created: the hospital, the physician’s residence, and the boiler building. Later, it would be repurposed as a mental institution for children before it would be considered a historic site. Rennovations transformed the abandoned mental institution into what we now know as Parq Central Hotel.

The Santa Fe Railway Hospital & Memorial Hospital

Memorial Hospital 1982-2006.

Memorial Hospital 1982-2006.

Medical assistance was provided for railway workers and later medical treatment for mentally ill children. Beyond this however, the cultural perception and meaning of the space literally began to create a community around it; later supporting another mode of transportation when the freeway and streets were built around it marking its importance.The Santa Fe Railway Hospital as well as the Memorial Hospital served their purpose by redefining the space in which it occupied.

Italianate Architecture

Layout of Parq Central Hotel buildings.

Layout of Parq Central Hotel buildings.

The chosen Italianate architecture style3 was popular from 1890-1930 reminiscent of the Italian Renaissance; this style was considered elegant, up-scale, and primarily used for designing mansions or public buildings. Recently, renovations to refurbish Memorial Hospital into the Parq Central Hotel consisted of reconditioning and reinstalling the original windows, maintaining the original interior doors (hospital building), utilizing the original buildings, and the addition of exterior suites.

Around Parq Central Hotel

Apothecary Lounge rooftop view of NE Albuquerque.

Apothecary Lounge rooftop view of NE Albuquerque.

Parq Central hotel is conveniently located next to the freeway for fast travel, Highland’s Park for a relaxing afternoon walk, and has many local businesses close by. The Albuquerque Press Club is less than a five minute walk away where membership allows you to have ownership of the club, discounts on drinks, and use of the club for private or public social gatherings4.The 66 Diner is reminiscent of a 50’s diner and close by for a good old fasion meal or a blend of New Mexico’s signature Hatch green chile with your breakfast. Parq Central hotel is located between downtown Albuquerque (Albuquerque’s nightlife/entertainment) and the historic Route 66 (now known as Central Avenue), known for opening connections between rural and urban areas previously deprived of access5.

Cultural Memory and Space

Santa Fe Railway Hospital vs. the Parq Central Hotel experience.

Santa Fe Railway Hospital vs. the Parq Central Hotel experience.

Space is more than a geographical representation, mistakenly thought of as only coordinates. Space is a story that contains history while sharing a dialectical relationship by being static and simultaneously dynamic. Static in the sense that it will always be there, have things built on or around it, used and re-used, and will serve some purpose. And dynamic in the sense that its purpose changes due to intent (i.e. if it no longer serves its purpose then a new one will be found).

The Santa Fe Railway Hospital as well as the Memorial Hospital’s original purpose was to provide medical treatment and then shifted to promoting economic growth and a place for social gatherings. The purpose affected the cultural memory of this space by influencing people’s perception of it. Space is more than a physical place because it directly shapes our memory, which anyone can be a part of.


Apothecary Lounge view of downtown Albuquerque.

Apothecary Lounge view of downtown Albuquerque.

The Parq Central Hotel did serve its purpose in boosting the economy by using historical memory, modern perspective (renovation), and an exotic appeal to successfully promote tourism. The historical memory allows guests to visit a historical landmark6 that provided a vital service during railroad construction westward. Modern perspective combined historical memory with a modern touch of comfort to create a pleasing experience. An exotic appeal is the signature brand of New Mexican culture by highlighting local features, creating an oasis in the desert.


  1. City of Albuquerque.“Historic Landmarks”, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Memorial Hospital. [n.d.]. 

  2. Kansas Historical Society.“Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Company Hospital, Albuquerque, New Mexico”,, 2017. 

  3. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commision.“Italian Renaissance Revival Style 1890-1930”,, 2015. 

  4. The Albuquerque Press Club.“Welcome to the Albuquerque Press Club”, abqpressclub, 2017. 

  5. National Historic Route 66 Federation.“The History of Route 66”,, 2017. 

  6. City of Albuquerque.“Historic Landmarks”, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Memorial Hospital. [n.d.].